
Clean and Green - D2D Recycling Double Rewards

Usually, there are more bottled beverages consumed in hot summer. You can recycle the bottles through iRecycle to avoid increasing the burden of the landfills and proper use of recyclables. iRecycle had partnered with Organic Plus and Choi Fung Hong to present the “Clean and Green - D2D Double Rewards“ campaign to encourage public recycling. iRecycle registered users who recycle the designated glass and plastic container* by door-to-door recycling service successfully could earn the iDollar for special offer redemption and enjoy the double rewards.



  • Date: 20 August to 31 October 2021

  • During the campaign period, the iRecycle user recycle a certain amount of the designated recyclables by the door-to-door recycling service# can entitle Organic Plus’s 137°C Degrees nut milk (180ml) and/or Choi Fung Hong’s Natural Enzyme Multi-purpose Cleaner (500ml)



Number of bottles

20 bottles

40 bottles or above

Organic Plus’s 137°C Degrees nut milk (180ml) x 1 (Flavor by random: Double Belgian Chocolate / Almond Milk Original / Walnut Milk Original)



Choi Fung Hong’s Natural Enzyme Multi-purpose Cleaner (500ml x 1)



Y=Yes, N=No  


*Designated glass and plastic containers (1 container = 5 iDollars):

  • Glass container (Available at Hong Kong Island district, the New Territories district.)
  • Type 1 (PET) plastic bottle
  • Type 2 (HDPE) plastic bottle
  • Type 5 (PP) plastic container

#Precautions for door-to-door recycling service:

  1. Proper and clean recycling
  2. Quantity: At least 10 but not more than 100 designated containers (at one single collection point)
  3. Well separated in bags by types: Provide your own bag(s) for each door-to-door recycling service appointment and separate the containers by types as below:
    • Glass containers in one bag
    • Type 1 – PET, type 2 – HDPE and type 5 – PP plastic bottles in one bag
    • Other type 5 – PP plastic containers (other than plastic bottle) in one bag


Enquiry: (852) 3705 9315 /


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Terms & Conditions

  1. “Clean and Green D2D Recycling Double Rewards” (the campaign) will start from 20 August to 31 October 2021 (inclusive both date), counting the date of making appointment successfully.
  2. Participant must be an iRecycle APP registered user and maintain the valid iRecycle APP account with a valid registered mobile phone number.
  3. The campaign is calculated by the amount of recycled glass containers, plastic bottles (type 1 and type 2) and/or plastic containers (type 5) through iRecycle door-to-door recycling service only.
  4. One pack of 137°C nut milk 180ml in different taste will be distributed randomly and available while stocks last.
  5. One pack of 137°C nut milk 180ml is only applicable to the iRecycle user who successfully makes the door-to-door recycling service appointment during the campaign period and recycles 20 designated recyclables in each appointment.
  6. One bottle of Natural Enzyme Multi-purpose Cleaner 500 ml is only applicable to the iRecycle user who successfully makes the door-to-door recycling service appointment during the campaign period and recycles 40 designated recyclables in each appointment.
  7. The prizes are limited and available while stocks last without prior notice.
  8. All the prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable, and exchangeable for cash or other products.
  9. All photos are for reference only.
  10. Baguio iRecycle Limited is not the supplier of the above prizes and makes no representation or guarantee as to the quality of the prizes collected and accepts no liability for any matters arising from or in relation to the same.
  11. Terms and conditions of Baguio iRecycle Limited and prize suppliers shall apply.
  12. Baguio iRecycle Limited and prize suppliers reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
  13. In case of any dispute, the decision of Baguio iRecycle Limited and prize suppliers shall be final.
  14. For terms and conditions of iRecycle Door-to-Door recycling service, please refer to
  15. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.